Xeric Design, LTD.
EarthDesk is a new Mac application, which was developed by company Dataflight. The application is a multifunctional desktop manager and document viewer which help in automating document management for both desktop and document viewing. It also offers many useful features that make it a user friendly and cost effective. Some of the most common features include file management, document management, desktop synchronization, message merging, product display, and several other functions. This software has been designed in such a way that it does not involve any costs for upgrades and hence the application remains functional even after the application has been downloaded. Since EarthDesk was developed by Dataflight it provides a Mac OS X version along with it. The version also supports Windows OS and can be downloaded free of cost. EarthDesk has many benefits over the different desktop manager applications available in the market and some of the most popular features include batch document management, desktop synchronization, intelligent screen backgrounding, email client, data movement and central system management. The user can synchronize documents in such a way that it remains intact across multiple computers. When sending emails using the EarthDesk, the attachments are automatically opened on the received emails. The company has made sure that it creates a "feature rich" experience with regard to design and user interface. EarthDesktop offers a simple set of features which make it a multi-functional application. Besides being a multi-functional desktop manager, it also offers document reader, spreadsheet editor, task manager, task scheduler, calendar organizer, image viewer, spreadsheet viewer, and much more. The application makes use of unique, cutting-edge technology to perform tasks that were impossible just a few years back. The free software comes loaded with many add-ons which makes it user friendly. The application is available online as well as on the company's website.